We offer great hours from 8 Am to 5 Pm for the experience. The guide will even let you take a brief dip in the water before you land! No one had recent injuries or surgeries; . 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Share your adventures in Laie when you connect to our complimentary WiFi. Safety Equipment is Provided & Required. Find hotels deals and great rates at the Hampton Inn & Suites Oahu/Kapolei. Prepay & Save. Staycation Kamaaina Style! Friends and family who do not have an ID are offered 15%. Now $136 (Was $209) on Tripadvisor: Pagoda Hotel, Oahu. A shuttle boat will leave our dock and transport you to the parasail boat where our experienced captains will fly you 300 ft over the clear Pacific Ocean. City View Doubles. After your parasailing adventure, you will slowly descend back to the boat's landing platform. It is Captains discretion. Not only that, but this tour takes small groups of up to 6 people at a time, only. Why Fly With Us on Oahu? Our beachfront island Resort sits on Oahu's wild and rugged western coast, where vast ocean views and lively pools and lagoons provide the setting for an unforgettable adventure. X-Treme Parasail. Once the captain finds the perfect spot out on the water, every member of your group will take turns parasailing. Water increases your chances of slipping on any vessel or ship. Address is 1025 Ala Moana Blvd, Honolulu, HI 96814. from $76.25. Children 15 yrs of age and under must have their parent or guardian to be on board with them; The adventure of parasailing was an excellent experience. Choose from two flights that take you 500 feet (152 meters) or 700 feet (213 meters) in the air for views of the Ko'olau Mountain Range, Koko Head and the Hawaii Kai coastline. ",t);return false}if(!t.href){c.logOther("Link Not Prefetchable: empty href attribute. Their parasailing excursions are perfect for you. Go parasaling over Maunalua Bay on this 1-hour adventure from Honolulu. While there is no dress code for most tours, please be careful when boarding the boat. Minimum Age: 3 years and older. Both options are incredible and will provide you with magnificent views of the area. No guarantee; 'child or person of the land' [1]) is a word describing Hawaii residents regardless of their racial background, as opposed to kanaka which means a person of Native Hawaiian ancestry. Then there were taxes and fees of over $300 prepaid . Must fly tandem or triple. I highly recommend this to anyone. UFO's kama'aina concierge program applies to all fishing charters. Have you ever imagined viewing Hawaii from the sky? has four exciting packages for you to choose from. Stay through 12/21/2021. 4. Kama'aina SPECIAL Package Includes. Plunging over streams and through the mud to reach remote areas, this adventure is a great way to see more of Oahu outside the resort and beach areas. Please use the form to contact us, and we will get back to you as soon as were able to. Honolulu, HI 96815, Click here to visit our Google My Business Profile. A kamaina may be considered to be someone who lives in Hawaii, or may be expanded to include people who once lived . All the noise from the boat and the city will cut away as you ascend, leaving you and your flight buddy in your own pocket of paradise. Life jackets are included with this Waikiki jet ski rental, and you can choose from a single or double ski for speeding through the turquoise waters. All-suite Accommodations. They even come pick you up and return you to your hotel in a complimentary shuttle. 4. The boat has ample space for you to relax before and after your flight, too. In addition, if you're staying anywhere convenient to get to by walking. Parasailing is restricted to those 6 years of age or older. "loadNitro":"load";let w;let p;let S;let g;let h=["missReason","pageType"];function y(){return"NPTelemetry:"+btoa(Date.now())+"_"+L()+(e?"_o":"_u")+(n? Royal Hawaiian Resort Aloha +1 (808) 923-7311 Reservations Discover Exclusive Offers & Packages The maximum coveted spot on Waikiki Beach is at The Royal Hawaiian presenting hawaii's maximum majestic Experiences. Beforehand, you'll have the chance to learn about the Japanese attack at the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center, including its powerful documentary. }); SeaBreeze Watersports (H2O Hawaii Sports) offers the best parasailing experience in Hawaii. Parasailing is one of the most popular watersports in Hawaii. JET SKIING SINGLE . You will enjoy a bird's-eye view of scenic Maunalua Bay and the Hawaii Kai coastline. Additional charge for 3rd or 4th adult. 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