maria divine mercy official website

Another possible cause can certainly be added: the upcoming changes that the False Prophet will impose on the Truth will change the faithful's perception of God's Teachings by falsely rendering them to be harsh, intolerant, and unloving when compared to the newly introduced pagan and sin-erasing cult of universal false love in the New One World Religion. The prophecies, contained in the Book of Revelation, are only partially known. Let us then observe what was better written in Saint John's Revelation on this subject: So I went to the angel, telling him to give me the little book. My dearly beloved daughter, My beloved followers, all over the world, will soon feel My Presence, for I will make Myself known within their hearts in a way they have not experienced before. When they see the Earth twist, shake and other punishments poured down upon them, they will still argue that there is a scientific reason for it. Maria will let you know what is expected, soon. You must never forget that God loves everyone and because of the opposition, which will be shown to Gods children, you will not find it easy to remain faithful to the Word.,, Also see: 43 Translations of the SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD can be downloaded for free on Google Drive: Let us then observe what was better written in Saint John's Revelation on this subject: The Marian Fathers are the official promoters and guardians of the authentic Divine. So, as My Presence becomes less revered by so many, what chance does the world stand against Satan? In some cases, they were sent to warn humanity of the danger of disobeying the Father. And he said to me, 'Take it and eat it; it will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.' For I now bequeath the Seal of My Love and Protection. I refer also to those who practice their faith; to those who believe in Me, but who do not visit Me and to all those who remain loyal to the Truth. Podcasts from the Marian Fathers So patient has my Son been, for such a long time. Always. My dearly beloved daughter, the pain of the prophets who came before you has never truly been known. They rejected John the Baptist and murdered him. Sin will always stand between you and God. I hear everything. The prophetic messages in The Book of Truth also claimed that, after the removal of Pope Benedict XVI, the next "Pope" would be the False Prophet. You must never dismiss the Word given to a prophet of God. In a message received on 11 February 2012 it was revealed that Pope Benedict would leave the Vatican. "And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads." Wishing neither to be known, or celebrated in any way, Maria Divine Mercy the name she was given by Jesus says that she had never read the Bible nor had heard of the Second Coming, up to the time she received the messages. Do we believe to be better than the pagans? Do we believe it truly or do we say we believe it? Take heart all of you and know that these Graces are now being poured upon these servants of Mine, for without their leadership you would find it difficult to proclaim the Truth. They murdered the prophets of old. They are Mine, My cherished Creation. All Messages and Crusade Prayers given to Maria Divine Mercy above may all be freely read and downloaded in their entirety at this link Book of Truth, please see also And now, only you, My last prophet, will attract hatred of a kind not seen for a long time though others, like you, have suffered in recent times. Every action you take comes from Me. I am not working for Maria Divine Mercy. Friday, August 31st, 2012 @ 23:20. 170 Crusade Prayers were also dictated to Maria Divine Mercy by God the Father, His beloved Son Jesus Christ and the Blessed Mother of God, the Virgin Mary who has asked the world that she be known as the Mother of Salvation through these messages. Who Is Jesus Christ? And now you, My daughter, have been sent to prepare the way for My Second Coming so that I can bring salvation to the world and so that My New Paradise can be realized. Message given to Maria Divine Mercy, MDM on November 1st, 2013- Book of Truth. Without the Truth there can be no life. Updated with responsive scrolling, HD images, and more. Every action you take comes from Me Maria Divine Mercy. Everything will be done to cause disruption to your Prayer Group. As It brings the good news, it brings also what we are not willing to listen to, to admit, to accept. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. Everything I did was for you and everything that comes from My Victory over death is yours. A well-written article about the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) updated in light of recent events with additional insights (12/10/16). This time, it will be more difficult. But remember this. It is the final Mission to save souls and every step of the way is dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. About the Messages and Maria Divine Mercy. My Sons Church turn a deaf ear to the gift of prophecy. The reason is that this is the last mission, the final form of Divine communication and intervention being presented to the world because of My Second Coming. The Book of Truth will also reveal to you, My beloved followers, the Plan of My Father to help you to make the proper preparations needed to enter the New and Glorious Paradise on Earth. sort by. Followers of Maria Divine Mercy have been scammed by an extremely unscrupulous fraudster March 27, 2020 Editor 30 Comments by Br. Satans influence will always create confusion, disorder, illogical and cunning arguments, and will always be laced with hatred against Gods children. Confusion does not come from Me. He raised the weak and elevates them, through suffering, to become pure of heart so that He can manage how He communicates with them. It did not matter to them that they were laughed at because they knew the Truth of God was the food of life. Jesus has now sent his final prophet into the world to help prepare humanity for the New Era of Peace "I wish to bring over 7 billion of God's children home, final, to their eternal Paradise" - Jesus 02 April 2013 We pledge our surrender, our hearts, and all that we possess, so that we are free of obstacles, as we continue the thorny road towards the gates of the New Paradise. Go in love and peace and know that I live in your hearts. Please accept this great Gift. They may condone heresy amongst themselves but I Am all seeing and I will judge Christians by the way they reject My Word and by the actions they embrace, which are against Me. This is why My Father prepares you now, for He never gives up when preparing His children for His Great Mercy. This article, originally published on February 2, 2013, generated so many comments that the limit was reached. Does God Exist? These brave sacred servants of Mine will receive extraordinary Graces to enable Christians to see clearly, the difference between right and wrong. Because of this I do not want to lose one soul. During my Sons time on earth He faced huge obstacles. We must remain faithful from this very moment, which is already gone as you now read the next word written by my small self, until the eternal now when darkness will no longer be. Neither death of the body, or the soul can exist in My New Paradise. Then copy and paste this entire page (or parts desired) into another document on your computer. To prepare you. The answer is 'yes'. I will have been forgotten about but the impostor will be idolised, worshipped and greeted like royalty, while I will lie in the gutter and be trampled upon. The fearful will become brave and the downtrodden will march forward as warriors of the Truth. I make My Presence felt in their lives by filling their souls with love for others, by drawing on the goodness within them, so that it can conquer negative thoughts, deeds and acts. It is for every single one of you, no matter how blackened or pure your souls are, but you must prepare and be alert, for every demon from Hell roams the Earth at this time, and through others will try to stop you. You have nothing to fear from Me for My Love for you will overcome any darkness, which keeps you distant from Me. There will be not one country left untouched by My Holy Spirit through the Book of Truth. And they said to me, 'You must prophesy again concerning many peoples and nations and tongues and kings"Revelation 10:10. They declared Me a liar, a false prophet and accused Me of Heresy. A prophet will always work alone as if he is cast into a desert. Be patient and trust in Me completely. This is how I will prepare Christians to fight, on My behalf, to save the souls of everyone. This is a Gift for the world and many will be saved as a result of this event. Many priests, for example, will try to stop them. Even those who do not accept My Existence are being sought out by Me every day. Live the Word of God. Not one of you is loved less than the other. Help us to gain the strength, and the confidence, to stand up and declare the Truth at all times. I desire to take all of you loving children who know and understand My Love for you, into My beautiful, New Paradise on Earth. Add to Cart. $14.95. GOD The Eternal Father, The Blessed Son and the Holy Spirit Is Speaking to a blind world and a deaf Church. When I ask you to pray I simply ask you to confide in Me, in your own simple words. It is because you are a prophet, the end time prophet. My Time is close and the whole of humanity must allocate the time needed to prepare their souls. His cunning and deceitful ways will be so subtle and he will work through other souls, who allow themselves to be open to such temptation. As Christians, we should be ready and willing to do the same. Accept them with love, and I will envelop you in My Holy Arms. My Love, My Blessing, My Beloved disciples. Message to Maria Divine Mercy Monday, February 20th, 2012. That is if you blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. Accept these Messages and live your lives accordingly. Much misunderstanding of My Promises to humanity will be used as a tool to encourage others to reject Me, as I communicate My Holy Word to the whole world, at this time. Every word you utter in this Mission comes from Me. Go, My children, and do not fear. Message from Sunday May 18 2013 given through Maria Divine Mercy The Book of Truth. Proclaim My Word. My Time will come when I descend from Heaven in exactly the way in which I ascended on My last day on Earth. Only the Prophet Daniel was given its contents, but he was instructed by My Father not to disclose its secrets. I beg you to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal and I pledge my life to Your service forever and ever. Matthew 16. 1. Who is "Maria Divine Mercy"? Please continue to pray My Divine Mercy Chaplet every day. Only God knows You, My disciples, will be accused of heresy and told that you are not following Holy Doctrine. My dearly beloved daughter, by the Power of the Holy Blessed Trinity, I declare that I have given you the Truth. Given through Maria Divine Mercy on Thursday, January 17, 2013, Well over 150 Crusade Prayers have been given to Maria Divine Mercy. Want to Read. Please click below for a free downloadable PDF copy of the Book of Truth (1613 pages). The evil one is careful, cunning and devious and so, when his agents present a new approach to My Teachings, you can be sure that it will be dressed up in an admirable way that will be seen to be just. Yet, through My Death on the Cross, I defeated death. It will open your eyes to evil, when it masquerades as good, to wicked men who spread blasphemy when they say they speak My Word and to My enemies who want to destroy Gods children, Message given to Maria Divine Mercy, MDM on November 1st, 2013- Book of Truth. They never thought that they would witness the arrival of the True Messiah in their lifetime. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him. Truth can only be Truth when it's ONE, WHOLE, UNQUESTIONABLE and ABSOLUTE. Until that happens there can be no peace on Earth. Cleverly camouflaged in holy speak, which will hide terrible lies, which defile My Holy Word. Today you and I are beginning to witness the same tragedy that occurred 2,000 years ago: the Church, Which Is the Mystical Body of the Redeemer, is about to undergo a new Passion which will conclude in Her Crucifixion. It will be during the times, which lie ahead that Gods Remnant in every corner of the world will retain the Truth of His Holy Word. My dearly beloved daughter, God, through private revelations, gave His children a better understanding of what is contained in Sacred Scripture. Satan does not want My Father to bring His children home to their rightful Inheritance. 1 December 2022 07:43 Important, Message Group 800 to 899, Messages Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Chastisement, China, European Union, Great War, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Last Pope, Maria Divine Mercy, Peter II, Pope Benedict XVI, Russia, Solar System, Tsunami Luisa was born on April 23rd, 1865 (a Sunday which St. John Paul II later declared as the Feast Day of Divine Mercy Sunday, according to the Lord's request in the writings of St. Faustina). They pay lip service to what My Second Coming means, because many of them really do not know anything about it at all. Brothers and Sisters,I am a follower of Jesus Christ and these Holy messages sent from Heaven. This blog protected by the Holy Spirit, will be updated with any new messages. St. Thomas Aquinas confirms, saying: "There being . Then, beginning in 1941, we became official promoters of the message of Divine Mercy, as received through the Polish mystic St. Maria Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938). For all their knowledge of Me, they will still refuse to accept that God is intervening and preparing them through His prophet. Dont you, too, want to salvage your souls? So, I ask that you place all your trust in Me. Thank you for responding with faith, hope and trust, to my call and that of my Son. Divine Mercy @DivineMercy_Official 337K subscribers The Divine Mercy Home Videos Shorts Live Playlists Community Channels About 0:00 / 0:00 We Intercede For You 61,467 views 1 year ago. Fulton Sheen, VIDEO: Pope Francis, False Prophet Advancing Antichrist. Then John the Baptist gave them the Word and warned them to prepare. To warn you. Has all heavenly messages and all prayers from Jesus, God the Father and Mary Mother of Salvation. Your email address will not be published. They will be an integral part of the formation and co-ordination of My Remnant army, on earth. I promise you that the persecution will be swift and that you will be protected. When My Work is completed, My Covenant will finally be fulfilled. And to purify you. Shall you and I deny the Words contained in this Holy Book, our souls may perish in an abyss of darkness so. Explaining the Faith Series: Understanding Divine Mercy. They will declare these messages to be in contradiction to the Word of God. I will remain by your side right up to the Day my Son returns to reclaim His Kingdom on earth. You will be led into a doctrine of deceit. If you deny the gift of prophecy you, too, will be forgiven. Most of Gods prophets were despised, mocked and considered to be heretics. We love You, dearest Jesus, our beloved Saviour and Redeemer. Maria Divine Mercy makes a number of claims. INTRODUCTION, Pope Francis In Perspective A Chronology, Pope Francis 13 Rotten Fruits from The Bad Tree, VIDEO: Pope Francis The False Prophet Is Here, VIDEO: Pope Francis, 'A Subversive Agent' Priest Calls for Resistance, Priest Speaks Up Against 'The Francis Effect', VIDEO: Father Minutella and the Pope Francis Regime, Cardinal Mafia Against Benedict Pro Bergoglio, VIDEO: Pope Francis Criminal of Divine Law, VIDEO: Pope Francis Man Against God's Word, VIDEO: False Prophet Pope Francis Breaks The Cross, VIDEO: False Prophet Pope Francis Beyond Heresy, VIDEO: False Prophet Pope Francis Curse Upon The Church, VIDEO: Pope Francis and The One World Religion, VIDEO: False Prophet pope Francis Carne Massonica, VIDEO: 'Pope Francis' The Church of Sports, VIDEO: Pope Francis Together With The Enemy, Pope Francis Marching Toward One World Religion, New World Pope of the New Laws within the New United Nations of Religions, New World Pope Satanism, Freemasonry, Occult Signs, Pope Francis, The Rotary Club, Masonic Signs & Wonders, VIDEO: Pope Francis In Contrast to The Word of God, New World Pope Francis Analysis of Statements and Events, New World Pope Francis Marketing Machine, Pope Francis Top 10 List How to Be Happy, The Holy Eucharist Messages to Maria Divine Mercy, New World Pope Francis Fulfilled Prophecies, Attack Blogs and Lobbies Against Maria Divine Mercy, The Messages, and Their Readers PART I, Attack Blogs and Lobbies Against Maria Divine Mercy, The Messages, and Their Readers PART II, The Great Ceremony of Christmas 2014 (part I), ALL Maria Divine Mercy, The Book of Truth, The Queen of Heaven and Earth ~ Mary Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of God, VIDEO: Christianity Costs The Apostles & The Master, A few words to theologians and apologists, The Untold Story of Jesus and the Serpent, God, The Sinking Ship and the Five Percent, THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD CRUSADE PRAYER 33, The New Age of the New World Order Inverted Reality All The Worlds A Stage, TONY PALMER changes the EUCHARIST - The WILD VOICE, Pope Francis not interested in converting Evangelicals - The WILD VOICE, ALIEN JESUS in Catholic Diocese - The WILD VOICE, Exorcist Says Satanism is Real in Oklahoma, The NEW WORLD POPE of the NEW LAWS within the NEW UNITED NATIONS RELIGION, ISIS, the AntiChrist, the Crow, the Witnesses, The Lights and Darkness of Christmas in Italy, The Church's Enemies Within The Church - The WILD VOICE, VIDEO: The Antichrist by Ven. They will be your armour against My adversary. I have sent her a group of people who will co-ordinate these groups, in different regions in the world. The Glorious Inheritance of your future, which awaits you, is yours. (This blog,, is not associated in anyway with ChristoGifts. He brings the world the secrets contained in the prophecies given to Daniel and then to His chosen disciple John the Evangelist. You were called suddenly and with haste as I moved to ensure that the world was given the Truth. When something is UNQUESTIONABLE it leaves no room for any DOUBTS. These "New Prophecies reveal global events in the lead up to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ". On November 8, 2010 at 3:30 pm, an unknown visionary and seer from Europe by the name of Maria Divine Mercy received the first of what are now well over a thousand messages and prophecies given from God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother in the Holy Spirit.

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