scorpio moon vs pisces moon

Those with their Moon in Scorpio are likely to find themselves very attached in love. Anything and everything Pisces related is welcome here. Pisces Moon has a tendency towards excess in all things, so this may be difficult. Scorpios feel strongly and can become very fixated in their feelings. Gemini is focused on the future while Pisces dwells in the past. . In the workplace, they are able to work well independently, are great listeners who absorb information easily, and work through even the toughest assignments with grace. The Piscean Moon is spiritual ecstasy and ecstatic release from the cage of rationalization. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. They often feel the reason you hurt them in the first place was because you didn't care. (But they aren't, like, LITERAL magnets.). The Moon in Scorpio symbolizes a journey into darker emotional territory, but it is incredibly healing and powerful. Given that the Moon rules moods and emotions, having your Moon in one of the most deeply passionate signs of the zodiac makes for an emotive personality. They are not good at setting boundaries, and with both partners in the same boat, they may end up completely run down and drained. That said, Scorpio Moons crave intimacy, even if they dont always know how to show it. As Scorpio Moons spend time alone, they must try to make sense of their thoughts and come to terms with their emotional complexity. Pisces is irresponsible, dreamy and unorganized. Their vastly different ways of approaching the world may be too much for them to overcome. This amazing intuitive type of soul is the real personification of WOMAN but is easily bruised, so be extra careful not to hurt such a delicate psyche. I have read about the Moon in Scorpio and their characteristics such as putting people though tests by hurting them, their ability to see through people, their dark (almost perverse side). wishlist. Astute, philosophical and kind-hearted, these individuals truly see the worth of themselves and others. Pisces Moon and Sagittarius Moon will need to make some compromises to work out their relationship. To make the most of this relationship, Libra must go into it with willing to see everything that goes on. Dreamy Pisces Moon may be offended when witty Gemini Moon makes a joke in an attempt to deal with all the emotion flying around. This union can be a good opportunity to balance rational thinking with emotional thoughts. Scorpio is also a fixed sign, meaning they are determined and enduring, and will pursue their desires and passions to the bitter end. But Scorpio moons have a strong lust for power and. They will tend to overlook their own needs and desires to keep Leo happy. This emotional depth isnt just about catching deceits; it also gives them a knack for knowing what others need in their lives, often before they know it themselves. Sviatlana Yankouskaya / EyeEm/EyeEm/Getty Images, Worm Moon marks the final full moon of the winter season. Both are loyal to the end. This unfathomable, thin-skinned angel, uses self-sacrifice as a strong suit. This mysterious soul will make the most devoted and loving companion to life, introducing others to spirituality and using their intuition and artistic nature to enhance the world we live in. Both partners are very receptive and can intuit the moods of those around them. Since your moon sign governs the inner you, and Pisces are known for being in touch with their emotions, being a Pisces moon sign means youre a highly sensitive individual. Of course, people you meet will be somewhere in the middle. The Moon in Cancer is really a sweetheart emotionally, super tender-hearted, and feels things instantly. ESP if the person with the Scorpio moon is also a Pisces sun? If you do bad by them, it will take a lot of groveling to make it right. They fear vulnerability and jump to dominate or control others to keep them from getting to the root of their problems. When used correctly, their introspection can be a tool for understanding the depths of their emotions and that of others. They understand each other extremely well. Able to sense realities beyond what can be perceived by the average person, these folks may have a strong interest in religion--but they will always choose their own insights over what others tell them because they instinctively know what is right. Together the two of you get . Leo Moon is warm, loud, boisterous and melodramatic. It comes out more when their egos are attacked. A Pisces man benefits by the strength and steadfastness of a Scorpio woman. It isn't as obvious because again, the moon sign is apparent mostly behind the scenes. They do tend to attract each other, however. Just try not to stress yourself out by taking on too many tasks at once thats just a recipe for burnout. The Pisces sun Scorpio moon guy I was seeing was really mean and borderline abusive despite my openness and love. Pisces Moon is shy and would rather stay at home than go out to a loud party. Gemini Moon loves to escape in their own heads and experience freedom, while Scorpio Moon prefers to dwell on their emotions and is immensely loving. Your sun sign determines your motivations and major interests in life. Two Scorpio Moonsshare a need for extreme loyalty, so they will never betray each other's trust, nor will their emotional bond be anything but strong. Lol I feel like theres some self sabotage or overthinking ppls intentions that make it hard to progress forward in the relationship. The Moon in Pisces is inclined towards mystical, mediumistic, and psychic states, sensing the hidden wishes and deepest desires of others. It will probably be a super fulfilling experience for you. You value creativity and spiritual expression. If they aren't self-aware, they may let this secretiveness get the better of them and harbor resentment towards those who are just trying to help. You both may develop a psychic bonding and can meet each other's needs. Both partners may over-analyze themselves and others. As a Pisces being in a relationship with a Scorpio for 14 yrs. Virgo Moon can benefit from Scorpio Moon's ability to feel deeply, while Scorpio Moon could do with some of Virgo Moon's calm logic. Pisces wants harmony and to avoid conflict, whereas Scorpio loves conflict. Seeing and feeling so much means that people born with a moon in Pisces can develop original insights and use them to make the world a better place for themselves and others. Both of you are instinctual, emotional and moody. I am a Scorpio moon and yes I can be manipulative, even without realising, I used to play games and I am very good at them. Pisces, you are tolerant and tend to forgive misgivings once wrongs are righted. In order for this relationship to truly be balanced, Pisces needs to step up and pursue their own dreams. But I have Pisces in mars, Saturn and Mercury. dont miss our in-depth article on this water sign. ACT Writing: 15 Tips to Raise Your Essay Score, How to Get Into Harvard and the Ivy League, Is the ACT easier than the SAT? This can take the form of creating a safe physical space to be alone for a while, or it can mean immersing themselves in their own art and daydreams. Scorpio Moon might find themselves growing suspicious of some of Leo Moon's behaviors. Leo has an underlying narcissistic streak and cannot bear to be ignored, unappreciated, or considered mediocre. to form your personality. Pisces Moon is very forgiving and tolerant, while Scorpio Moon longs to retaliate. They know what people need in order to be content and fulfilled in life, AND they can see when our current realities dont meet those needs. Register and search over 40 million singles: voice recordings. If something seems significant, now is the time to jot it down, so you dont forget. Pisces Moon tends to be gentle and very receptive of other people's feelings. This month, the full moon in Virgo is illuminating your romantic relationships and partnerships, calling for you to pay close attention to the small, important details in your union. People born with their moon sign in Pisces are the true romantics of the world. Astrology isn't a magical, woo-woo belief. Your Scorpio Sun side is more intuitive and emotional. They will be able to capitalize on their good qualities and overcome their negative ones. Ask questions; get answers. Role-playing is common to the Scorpio Sun Pisces Moon individual and you are a superb actor. Or you can scroll down the page and read them all. As the disciplined sign of the zodiac, youre all about engaging in conversations that challenge you, and todays the perfect time to host discussions. This could be a time when your partner is seeking advice or support from you, or simply a time for you to analyze the overall nature of a partnership. Scorpio Moon might think they have a hard time building trust, but they are no match for a Capricorn Moon, who is extremely reluctant to reveal repressed emotions. In this regard, there is a strong memory, especially in connection to emotional wounds and it leads to brooding and moodiness. we also both have virgo suns. Both partners tend to be on the dreamy side, and may have a hard time getting anything accomplished. You feel your best when things are organized and functioning smoothly, especially the small, mundane parts of life. The nickname Worm Moon is in reference to the earthworms starting to slowly appear in the soil again for the birds to eat, after sheltering from the bitter cold. They often pick up on the emotions and needs of other people without needing to be told what others are feeling and thinking. The individual with the Scorpion Moon is fascinated by mystery and magic and often possesses a powerful magnetizing quality. Every aspiration you have for the months ahead needs logic and practicality to help it actualize, and the March 2023 full Worm Moon will encourage every sign to buckle down, dot their is, and cross their ts. Mood: You have a tendency towards moodiness as your sensitivity is so heightened. Though you both feel very deeply, you may not be very articulate about your feelings and inner experiences. Check out our top-rated graduate blogs here: PrepScholar 2013-2018. Scorpio is a water sign, and therefore relates deeply to the emotional and psychological aspects of life. Pisces Moon may get their feelings hurt by Virgo's critical nature. The phase of the moon (full, waxing, waning) isnt really important in this case. doing good in your board exams. Youre the main character during this months full moon, Virgo, as it sheds light on your desire for efficiency, information, and practicality. Great at dealing with abstract concepts and theories, these contemplative people may become restless if they dont get enough mental stimulation from the work they do. Both partners need to work on the relationship to get the most out of it. Their gut instincts are unmatched, and their need for loyalty and honesty means they can always uncover truths. Aries- Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) . It also affects your patterns of behavior, your imagination, and your adaptability to change. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Virgo- Whether this takes the form of working to save the rainforest, planning a public park, or creating a cozy neighborhood caf, whatever they choose to do will be based on their vision of an ideal world. Scorpio is a rather tenuous place for the Moon to sit and she is often in her fall here. Theygetdefensive. Be aware, this soul rarely reveals the depth of their feelings, especially if the individual feels hurt or wounded in some way. Feeling adrift in the world, always searching for something, it is some ideal or transcendent state is often yearned for. On the positive side, they are extremely compassionate and often become counselors or spiritual leaders. So, while the Pisces moon individual can be one of the most unconditionally loving and loyal partners anyone could ever ask for, it is important that they create strong and healthy boundaries in personal relationships. Their emotional intensity and secretive nature makes Scorpio Moon somewhat cynical in love at times. Taurus Moon has much simpler emotional needs and will be more likely to contend to Scorpio Moon's wants than an Aries Moon would. Here the logic and hard-working qualities of Virgo combine with the depth and wisdom of Pisces. But issues might arise in the workplace when they insist on working independently, as this is where they feel most productive. Their snap judgements are often wrong, but Scorpio moons have to make sure of it before they replace their coolness with warmth. Everyone Ive dated was a Scorpio moon and Im done. Scorpio Sun Pisces Moon people are deep thinkers. Scorpio is a Moon sign of moody, intensity they have good desire and an ability to focus; Pisces is a Moon sign of gentleness, syumpathy and a careful sense of protection of others. This full moon is the perfect time to solve problems that can only be spotted by paying close attention to detail particularly the details that play a major role in helping you accomplish your dreams and aspirations. Pisces Moon looks deeply and truly understands Scorpio Moon. Gemini treats emotions very lightly and Pisces feels them deeply. I know I love intensely the wrong people. This could look like reorganizing your art studio, or making adjustments to an artistic project youve been working on. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Get ready to stow away your winter clothes, because spring is almost here. Hence, Saturn moving into Pisces just 49' after the exact Pisces-Virgo full moon - carries some gravitas! They can develop a strong bond of friendship and loyalty that will see them through any rough times. You can be very passionate and intense, but also incredibly loyal and supportive. They can be loyal friends, but they approach the world in such different ways that it is hard for them to come together as a couple. These magnetic individuals were born chivalrous, and they have a deep desire to inject romance into all facets of their lives. The relationship could also end up being so sweet that neither partner can stomach it. Pisces cannot help themselves when they see someone who needs their help. s m r v. 1111. Their shared sensitivity helps them meet the other's needs. platonically it's amazing but I don't think it would work out romantically, I agree. Once Pisces Moon and Virgo Moon learn to work together, their lives can run rather smoothly. Scorpio Moons might have a hard time building trust, but once they do, they are in it for life. If your moon sign is in Pisces, you might find yourself trying to dream up ways to solve what you see as the problems of the world in a compassionate manner. Fire moons, on the other hand, will probably not mesh with their emotional intensity. These two need not say anything at all; they can simply look into each other's eyes and know what the other is thinking or feeling. Wondering if the phase of the moon the day you were born impacts your Moon sign? This will be a very thoughtful, tender relationship of quiet fulfillment. This month, youll be prompted to roll up your sleeves and get to work when it comes to your career and professional pursuits. But it is possible. I feel like I act more like my moon than my sun. You have plenty of valuable information to offer the world, and its a good time to share it with the people around you.

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