lacerta files part 3

None of this has anything to do with supernatural powers. I had a dream back in 1997, I think, about 2 ancient aliens races that fought each other millions of years ago using an earthquake machine which caused our eventually to now current shape of our lands. There are many Reptilian races in the superuniverses, most are benevolent and great genetists but few are dark negative renegades to Divine Plan, as are the ones who took over our planet for 13 millennia and have the Illuminati Dark Cabal working for them. Let me say, that we are not absolutely sure if there will be really such a hot war already in the next years. They eventually will but it is required first to remove these forces from power. On Earth there is not lowest that Satan, Lucifer and associated demons. By October 29, 2021 duck ragu recipe jamie oliver. Answer: Yes, but its forbidden. The reptilian race is very old in the galaxy. Reptilians like Lacerta are the original inhabitants of this planet. Where do these military UFOs come from? Its a good read, but I wouldnt bother looking for subterranean dwellings anytime soon. I see all humans and all living conscious beings as one part of the same family, so why call them races? Show more Reviews Tell the Lacerta take me with them. There is a simple switch (See us as we really are / See us as we want you to see us) in your consciousness which was placed there from the Illojim when they created your kind and we can use this switch to convince you that you see humans when you look at us (other aliens use this switch, too). They may frown on humans believing religion but they are themselves very religious. Lacerta Files | Fandom Is there a greeting ritual of some sort or anything that could help?. Question: What do you mean with one species comes from a very different plain? The Illojim who appeared as gods for the sixth and seventh breed told them that it is a war between good and evil and that they are the good and we are the evil race. You ought to learn to solve your own problems yourselves or to become intelligent enough never to create those kinds of situations. Answer: Youre wrong there. First no one would be stepping or destroying the colony. I really hope they help us against the ones that are coming. It can also exert a camouflage function in the realm of electromagnetic radiation as well as manipulate temporal sequences of eventsindeed only to very limited extentand other things as well. This symbol was used from certain parts of my society, but it is today very seldom you humans have copied it very often in your old writings. One elevator shaft leads to a cavern near the surface, the other leads to one of our depots for the ships you remember, the cylindrical ships that is naturally concealed closer to the surface behind a rocky mountain face. Answer: As far as we know 14 species. Images. Elazar, you have expressed your ideas, inspired on the Lacerta Files, in a very deep and profound way. This very advanced race Ive mentioned had developed outside of here and theyve evolved in fact over billions of years. There youll read in detail about this topic. Lacerta: a proven fake or a real file?, page 1 - 27 years, including the Tall Whites and Reptilian casts. In the last time, there were some rumors about a new, fifteenth species which had arrived on Earth just 3 or 4 years ago, but we dont know anything about their intentions and we were not in contact with them till now. The concept is very familiar and probably related. lacerta files part 3 - I wanna meet her or find the entrance. Normally, there are only three ships there its a small depot. But back to your Question: Creatures with more powerful mental powers can have a direct influence on the para-layer by means of their consciousness/awareness fields. In the sphere of influence this causes simultaneously an automatic command from the consciousness/awareness layer to the para-layer to interact with the matter layer of the pencil. Lets look it that way. Wow, I wanna meet her, maybe she has information of plants I dont know about, perhaps she drinks tea or not. No more words are needed. Jimmy Bergman | Lacerta Files | Fandom As long as you will not understand and believe my words I tell you the truth because we are not your enemy as long there is danger for your species. The Lacerta Files and contacting anyone (human or else) with - reddit I know exactly whats needed to prove forever that the claims you have made are actually true: Provide scientists with a meaningful description or mathematical model of something scientists can confirm. And by the way, your human scientists will tend to regard my comments as humbug. And so I see no great danger in spreading this information widely. Many people might be able to detect a high pitch ringing in the ears which may be them. The interview tells the story of the first alien war between two advanced alien species 65 million years ago. The best Youtube to MP4 converter. After reading the talk with Lacerta, I ask myself: What sense does it have to me to continue living simply without thinking of this truth and ignoring the future that awaits me and my species or the end? Php 2:10. Note of the Editor of Brother Veritus Website: These English translations were edited to correct English grammatical errors but message and intent were left intact. We can also eat and digest some substances which are poisonous for you. Lastly: Ole, if your reading this, please contact me as I would like to know if you indeed had met Lacerta again and if you were shown their home. There is info for everybody. We have artificial sun-rooms in the underground but this is not the same for us like the real sun. Well, most of the dinosaurs died (not all in the detonation but in the bad things which came after the war, especially in the nuclear winter and in the fall-out.) How old is your species? I pray maybe this person who translated have maybe a connection with Lacerta or Lacerta in disguise see this post. That being said, IF this is truth I would LOVE to meet one of them myself, as I believe it would be a fascinating experience to discuss any multitude of topics, ranging from their religious beliefs, to their technological capabilities and deep history. Answer: Yes, but not like your birds or primitive reptiles. he was cast out into the earth, Step 5: When the conversion is completed, click "DOWNLOAD" button to save the file Your creation was artificial and done by genetic engineering, but not by us but by an alien species. To have a glimpse of the future read the book Brother Veritus Community Plan in The future of our planet is already known. This means not that all in that group are genetically related to you, because these groups are usually very large and contain between 40 and 70 of us. The resulting connection and the field would therefore not be stable in the normal condition of matter and unsuited for tasks. In addition, the head is the only part of our body where we have hairs. Thirdly, I noticed something above as an oddity. Much of what she says is true but she did not explain her ideas of religion. Is there a second sun inside our planet? Then, I searched for the original English version to find out it was a translation of the original Swidish version. Your opinion is intelligent and I personally would think likewise. I believe humanity has been tampered with in the distant past, based on the stories we have recovered from Sumer in their tablet writings. Lacerta is not an extraterrestrial alien. In terms of your chances against a more highly developed species, you have none at all. The dates, the explanation of the ships, and other occurrences. We also enjoy swimming in very warm water or other liquids to rise our body temperature. Our knowledge about the first war comes completely from an ancient artifact, which was found around 16,000 years ago from our archeologists on the continent you call North America today. The central building is generally a center of religion, but also a center for climate control, and a center for the behavior and the regulation of the lighting system. These two horns on our middle fingers were instinctively used from babies to break through the chalk hull to take their first breath. The last creation of the seventh breed of your series was done just 8,500 years ago and this is the only creation you can remember and to which your religious writings refer. You are animals for them. Question: What other commands can your kind induce into our minds? Too much people are sceptics, they dont believe this story, but I have open mind. Listen and learn with an awakened and open mind. Most species also have chances to block the alien access, but you people dont have this. Specifically, for the more highly developed species there is simply at the very least your fate. [Comment by Ole K.: I certify that the pencil mentioned above abruptly at that very moment jumped into the air to a height of 20 cm and then fell back to the surface of the table. The Fallen Angels of the Luciferian Rebellion that happened 200,000 years ago. Should I respond?". To begin I would suggest interested people take the time to look-up and read the last interview titled SECURITY OFFICER SPEAKS OUT: Thomas Castello who worked in a high-security joint Repilian/Military DUMB (Deep Underground Military Base) near Dulce, NM as a security officer. Now, back to the essentials: Plasmanow, with plasma I dont mean just hot gasas the concept is generally simplified by your peoplebut rather I mean a higher aggregate condition of matter. Of course, they did not divulge the real reasons for their being here copper, hydrogen, air but rather they pretended to be curious researchers and offered to show people the functioning principle of the ships whereby they would expect in return some favors. Simple-minded as you are, you of course agreed to itand were deceived. I cant shake these thoughts or ideas and I will forever have a changed view of the world around me. As I said, this special layer lies in the sphere of influence {Feldraum} between the morphogenetic information layers and the matter layers and can interact with respect to both sides. I suspect it will be very hard for you to prove you are what you claim, as you are probably not really what you claim. Why the openness now? Part of the pronunciation of that name is absolute unique and there is no other being with the same name, but part of this name (the middle part) is pronounced in a way that told the others to which "family" (I must use the word, because you haven't the right one in your vocabulary) you belong. Where a friend becomes a treasure and their trust in us which grew about slowly (as all good things do). What if the human species is about to be wiped out, can we expect some help? The Illojim were gone from one day to another, they vanished without a trace together with their ships and we found most of their surface installations destroyed by them. Question: You said that you were born in a different way to us. I cultivated the very, very unusual idea (for my kind) to show him my true exterior, something that I did during our conversation at our fourth meeting in the cabin. Now, your human military collected the individual pieces at first until they discovered the whole ships with the dead creatures aboard. filtracion de aire. Once made public through YouTube and websites, they can be easily confiscated, stored hidden in a place like the Smithsonian Museum to never be seen again by the general public. Is the relationship between your species and ours really shaped from that kind of total negation? Mind control is one of their talents. Like most of us would do. Question: Where can we find such a surface-near entry to your world? Le contestar algunas de sus preguntas no por Lacerta pues desconozco sus opiniones al respecto sino de mi propio conocimiento y entendimiento. In any case, it is terribly careless of that species to allow this technology to be photographed by humans. All I really want to say is that I have questions and theories/answers that I want someone to hear. So-called wise men from India and from the Asian mountains have described our species many times in writings, together with other wise men from the African continent. Though, progress only is not being made due to our so called "conditioning," and already well understood (to me at least) ignorance. Does this truly mean that the Illojim has created us and are observing us from somewhere? We have at our location all together 5 large artificial light sources which generate your UV light and its warmth through gravitational sources. The surviving humanoids on earth obviously died in the years after the bomb and others of their kind and the reptilians never came back to Earth (as far as we know). Do you see the distortion and the quasi-light in the rotating cylinders? They are the natives. The interest of this humanoid species you call them Illojim today was not the raw material and the copper, it were to our astonishment the unadvanced ape-humanoids. I found this very interesting. Id like it to cover more languages as well but due to lack of volunteers I cannot undertake such a task. God resides in the heart of any human being and you should create a relationship with Him and ask Him questions to get the answers from Source, instead of through false representatives of God on Earth such as the Pope, Christian ministers, priests, dark extraterrestrials like the Anunnaki and fallen angels, and so. And if you find evidence for their existence, you deny and misinterpret the facts. You really like giving yourselves over completely to a public opinion or conditioning, as for example, reptilian species are evil and stuff like that. I cant expect from you that you believe my simple words without evidence, but I cant give you that evidence. Underneath that highest point in every colony there stands a special whitish-gray cylindrical buildinga kind of supporting column which holds the honeycomb net-carrying structure of the dome. Ive made some notes about your history and now I have some questions. When I talk about our subterranean home, I talk about large cave systems. Who knows what the future holds for us, right? Its quite the read. Well, then you have an approximate impression of what happened. The mirror of a educated opinion from an elite that is not willing to disclose the relevant information about aliens? Something is wrong. I dont know how to make contact or how to contact the individual who did the interview (if he is still around, and not murdered by the government), but I would very much like to have discussions regarding this topic. Finally I have done research about the Illojim aliens and have seen there names translated to something in the Hebrew bible as God. Sienten ellos amor? Some of these abilities are also partially inherited; mother and child of my kind as an example are attuned exactly during the first months of life partially also in the egg covering in the expectant mother and communicate telepathically. I believe she has. lacerta files part 3 - Imagine the body of a normal human woman and you have at first a good imagination of my body. If we are for some hours in the shadow, our temperature goes back to 30 to 33 degrees. Essentially, in the world of real physics, there are no bipolar forces, but rather only observer dependent reflective behavior of a single, large unified force at different levels. If you stay awake during the first minutes, you can maybe try to filter the other thoughts and waves in your brain and the inducer will give up after some minutes if he or she is not successful because it will start to hurt his or her own brain. As a result, for a very short period of timehow should I phrase thisthere was an unchecked shift of the environment to a plasma-like condition, which on the other hand, through a very, very unfortunate accident, caused an overturning of the general power field into a magnetic pulse of immense power. As a result, the entire field spectrum is shifted to a higher plasma-like condition, whereby the spectrum comes together with this harsh shifting to the opposite pole side the word is NOT correct of the force field and it resembles quite closely a gravitational shift. This was our direct ancestor. In the first place, why did you come to Lacerta or why did she come to you. The Lacerta Files and its reptilian hybrids show the persistence of appealing myths. Thanks. The name which appeared on the data and the directory index was E72UJ. A friend, who is a computer expert, could not make anything of this designation, and when I was about to show it to him, the directory index had disappeared. I noticed in one of Lacertas old interviews, she talked about natural sun and how being exposed to it does miracle to her. I always knew I was different, things that would make perfect sense to other people were always lost on me, and I always had the sense I was something greater and more sophisticated than a mere human.

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