assyrian torture methods

Wikimedia Commons. Searing or cutting the flesh from the body was sometimes used as part of the public execution of traitors in medieval Europe. [00aR/NU(=PpF is known as the Neo-Assyrian period, during which the empire reached its zenith. In September 1611, Dionysios the Philosopher (or. "Torture and the . If it pleases you, do what you will!. Middle Ages Torture, devices, techniques and facts. The Catherine Wheel, or the Breaking Wheel, was a method used for public execution through the Middle Ages, with the last known execution believed to have taken place in Prussia in 1841. 0000001205 00000 n Make peace with me and come out to me! the envoy called out. Mark Oliver is a regular contributor to Listverse. It was outlined as a naval punishment for sailors in the Rhodian Maritime Code. When their year at war ended and they were allowed to return home to their families, they lived lives haunted by ghosts of the people theyd inflicted all these torments upon. This is more commonly called skinning . An illustration from the French newspaper Le Monde Illustr, depicting the torture and execution of a French missionary in China by lingchi (c. 1858). Assyrian national history, as it has been preserved for us in inscriptions and pictures, consists almost solely of military campaigns and battles. If you kissed another mans wife, they would cut off your lower lip with an axe. 0000001500 00000 n The fragment above is part of the Stele of Vultures. The convicted would be taken to a public stage and tied on the floor. Although theres no exact date as to its origins. In so doing, the individual, should they survive punishment, would be marked for life, unable to breastfeed any future children and thus prevented from fulfilling the chief role of women in Medieval society. The Assyrian Empire originally began as a small city-state under the Akkadian Empire, which dominated Mesopotamia from 2334 - 2154 BCE. Made from iron and heated to ensure an easier tear, the spikes of the ripper would be attached to a convicted womans breast. Nourished by the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, the cities of Mesopotamia Greek for "the land between two rivers"flourished from the 20th century to the end of the seventh century B.C.E. Flaying of humans is used as a method of torture or execution, depending on how much of the skin is removed. These kind of artifacts are very common. It should be noted, nevertheless, that the Dutch did not intend the practice to be fatal and allowed for respites in the torture to recover. The Assyrians were so brutal that their military campaigns even put themselves through hell. The namesake for this torture was the Christian martyr, Saint Catherine. 0000005655 00000 n Known to have been used as a punishment prior to the Roman civilization, appearing in ancient Persia, Macedon, and Carthage, Alexander the Great famously order the crucifixions of 2,000 survivors of the siege of Tyre in 332 BCE. Their artistic propaganda relishes every detail of torture, massacre, battlefield executions and human displacement that made Assyria the dominant power of the Middle East from about 900 to. 0000006055 00000 n The British Museum. The city and its houses, from its foundations to its top, I destroyed, I devastated, I burned with fire, Seenacherib declared. 0000001979 00000 n VEerzLB(%_E|=".hq%%}]|~8P[Cxwf{7B_`s@jKSbJAsxAP,XRY\HmY8@iCK3rT ,4 _f,alNsg3kCQ87{i$js/8ZuU5{3{$\^75Bp,?q[Y0WB:Zi>PTYa,j0a'Np^ee6d1}$|>U}co~UE~OeXm7lfb}@;`b\v+Tu:2ylCYac0A-z~wg0y'4>-{3Qka3EJ?4uObNW=IeZ6oKq'Rcca.PvFz4Mw_Wsn>!);? Kesselring, The English Historical Review (September 2001), Judas Cradle: Torture Device,, Crime and Punishment in England: An Introductory History, John Briggs, Palgrave Macmillan (1996), The Tudor Law of Treason, John Bellamy, Routledge & Kegan Paul (1979), Execution: A Guide to the Ultimate Penalty, Geoffrey Abbott, Summersdale Publishers (2005), Dispensing Justice: Responses to Crime, Baron David James George Hennessy Windlesham, Clarendon Press, 1987, The Instruments of Torture, Michael Kerrigan, Lyons Press (2001), The Spectacle of Suffering: Executions and the Evolution of Repression from a Preindustrial Metropolis to the European Experience, Pieter C. Spierenburg, Cambridge University Press (1984), Rituals of Retribution: Capital Punishment in Germany 1600-1987, Richard J. Evans, Oxford University Press (May 9, 1996), Torture and Democracy, Darius Rejali, Princeton University Press (2007), The Lives They Lived: The Prisoner, Jonathan Mahler, The New York Times (December 25, 2005), The A to Z of Punishment and Torture: From Amputations to Zero Tolerance, Irene Thompson, Book Guild Publishing (2008), The Walled-up Wife: A Casebook, Mircea Elliade and Alan Dundes, University of Wisconsin Press (1996), The Brief History Of The Brazen Bull, John DeVore, Nov 19, 2016. Among the alleged cruelties bestowed upon these religious minorities was the so-called Roman Candle. 0000025862 00000 n Immurement, derived from the later im in and murus wall, literally comprises the entombing of an individual inside a wall or enclosed space without means of exit. @#2:0D)5@SH(*@6C A torturous, if infrequent method of historical execution, death by boiling kills an individual by immersing them in a container of blistering liquid. Another innovation attributed to the Spanish Inquisition, the Judas Cradle, also known as the Judas Chair or Guided Cradle, was a torture device dating from the 16th century. The blood eagle - a ritualized method of torture and execution allegedly practiced by the Norse Vikings - opened up the ribs of the victim to craft their lungs into wings. Known to have existed since the earliest days of the Qin dynasty, it became a popular practice during the reign of Emperor Tianzuo of the Liao dynasty and more so under the Song. There are those numbered as being sentenced for arbortion in addition to other grave crimes. Brewer (2012), Crucifixion in Antiquity: An Inquiry into the Background and Significance of the New Testament Terminology of Crucifixion. Designed during the reign of the tyrant Phalaris (r. 570-554 BCE) by Perillos of Athens, the bull, as recorded by Diodorus Siculus, was supposedly made from bronze but hollowed out and with a door on one side. Thereafter, the pulped remains of the still-living criminal were strapped to the wheel itself and erected on a pole, akin to a crucifixion, until death. When they came to your town, the men at the gates were vicious and battle-hardened. Usually, a cage filled with rats would be placed on top of the restrained victims stomach. In contrast to common depiction, most crucifixions did not involve the nailing of the victims hands or feet to the cross. The latter depicted in the popular television series Vikings, is recorded in the Tale of Ragnars Sons, describing the English kings torture at the hands of Ivar the Boneless. The king of Urartu, upon hearing the Assyrian army approach, stabbed himself in the chest rather than face them. Should the victim fall asleep or allow their head to droop, then the sharp prongs would begin to pierce their throat and neck. Captured soldiers were supposedly tied above infant bamboo shoots, which, over the course of several days, would grow at a rapid pace and pierce the prisoners. (e.g. A notable figure who enjoyed this method of torture was the Prince of Wallachia, Vlad III. "F$H:R!zFQd?r9\A&GrQhE]a4zBgE#H *B=0HIpp0MxJ$D1D, VKYdE"EI2EBGt4MzNr!YK ?%_&#(0J:EAiQ(()WT6U@P+!~mDe!hh/']B/?a0nhF!X8kc&5S6lIa2cKMA!E#dV(kel }}Cq9 Wikimedia Commons. Suspending the individual by a rope attached to the wrists, with weights added, if necessary, to increase the pain. In order for the method to work, it had to take place in a swamp or somewhere where the boats could lie exposed to the sun. In their royal edicts, the Neo-Assyrian kings seem to gloat over the terrible fate they imposed upon their captives, and that flaying seems, in particular, to be the fate meted out to rebel leaders. The victim would be laid down on his belly with his hands tied behind his back and his rectum would be slit up by a razor, after which a paste would be applied to stop the bleeding before a stake would be thrusted into his body. This torture method apparently had a long tradition in Scandinavia and a couple of direct accounts were mentioned in old skaldic poems. The Zhengde Emperor flayed six rebels,[9] and Zhang Xianzhong also flayed many people. Whilst some intended to kill, albeit resulting in slow, torturous deaths, others were intended to merely maim and hurt without fatal outcomes. His website is regularly updated with everything he writes. By the time their armies reached your walls, these stories would have spread. Differing from immurement by both method and intent, those subjected to premature burial are interred with the purpose of execution, and, in contrast to the entombing of persons within walls, the victims die far quicker when buried. Assyrian Empire - National Geographic Society Eventually, it is claimed that the tyrant was himself murdered with the very instrument of his cruelty by Telemachus. This method of torture was executed in several ways, like; Tying the victim to a pole and peeling his facial skin first, or submerging the victim in boiling water before the flaying. Once the victim was contained within, a fire would be lit beneath, heating the metal until either death or release. Murderers were handed over to the victims family, who were free to do with them as they willed. Victory Stele of Eannatum, King of Lagash, Called the Vulture Steleearly dynastic period, c. 2450 bc. . After enduring an agonizing rupturing of their anal canal, the victim would die unless released. The horrors and the guilt of murdering and torturing innocent people wreaked havoc on their psyches. Originally used by the Spanish Inquisition and other Holy Orders of the Middle Ages as part of interrogations, including against legendary Italian author Niccol Machiavelli in 1513, the practice endured well into the Modern Age. There were no accurate details of how this method of execution was carried out. The victim would either be rocked or dropped repeatedly onto the device, and the torture would usually be prolonged into several days. 436 0 obj<>stream Flaying, also known as skinning, was a torture method which originated from 883-859 BC and documented in both carvings and official royal edicts. Sign up to our newsletter for exclusive updates and enhanced content, Sign up to get Al Bawaba's exclusive celeb scoops and entertainment news, Syrian Man Reveals Worst Torture Methods Used by the Regime, Serie A: AC Milan vs Tottenham predicted lineups, Rihanna didn't get paid for her Super Bowl show, Awadallah jailed for sedition goes on hunger strike. . Lingchi, known colloquially in the West as death by a thousand cuts, was a ritualistic form of torture prevalent in Imperial China. The stake would be hammered in with a mallet, and it would come out at either his breast, head, or shoulders. Crucifixion, an ancient method of capital punishment, is perhaps the most famous means of torture in history due to its association with the Christian narrative of Jesus. The Assyrians were known for being very barbaric when it came to torturing slaves and prisoners of war. From his capital at Ashur, Ashur-uballit extended Assyrian control over the rich farming . Abstract and Figures. $iU-PGiSit::")SD.@&qk=mUi/6d07*w` updated November 28, 2017, 8:39 pm, by But it was supposedly shattered due to her divinity. In some accounts, there were cuts that numbered to 100 (Yuan Dynasty) and some were over 3,000 (Ming Dynasty). She was subsequently executed by decapitation. This practice, in addition to causing immense suffering, was supposed to represent the spiritual defilement of the individual, with their eternal soul unable to reside in one piece in future lives. depict warriors methodically removing the skin from prisoners' bodies, marking them as one of the first cultures to partake in the brutal torture. Due to the physical harm suffered as a result of keelhauling, with the hull of a ship covered in barnacles, the victim would suffer immense lacerations resulting in major infections and cuts likely leading to their eventual death. Others went further. Instead, asphyxiation is the most common cause of death in live burials, with the individual, unless carefully buried, unable to breathe. In 1303, the treasury of Westminster Abbey was robbed while holding a large sum of money belonging to King Edward I. Adriana John If a man was caught with another man, the law said, they shall turn him into a eunuch. Adultery was punishable by death. . After the collapse of the Akkadians, Assyria gradually emerged as an independent political power around the 14th century BCE. HBO. In some instances, mercy might be granted allowing for a swifter death, with the wheelset on fire or the condemned beheaded. Both were commonly inscribed with the Latin phrase abiruo I recant: an objective often achieved due to the eventual breaking of the subjects will. Some designs, used for the purposes of gaining information, employed a pulley system, with the individual strapped into a harness and repeatedly lowered onto the tip of the chair to maximize the prolongation of suffering. The practice is known to have occurred in extreme instances in Japan, where, during the 16th century, the bandit Ishikawa Goemon, along with his entire family, were boiled alive in a giant bathtub as punishment for the failed assassination of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. He used rat torture, along with other methods, to punish his political enemies and sexually assault his prisoners. His prolonged exposure and his flesh rotting away due to his own filth and the insects devouring him would eventually lead to his horrifying demise. Louvre, Tello (ancient Girsu). After the arrest and interrogation of 48 monks, three of them, including the subprior and sacrist, were found guilty of the robbery and flayed. Flaying, also known as skinning, is a method of torture (and often execution) whereby the skin of the victim is gradually removed from the body in a precise fashion. In the sixth season of the television series, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 13:11. Equally, in 1675 the Sikh martyr Bhai Dayala was subjected to boiling after refusing to convert to Islam; according to legend, as he burned Dayala calmly recited Sikh scripture. . Keelhauling was an official punishment in the Dutch Navy, although only rarely enforced due to its harsh nature. Revived, castrated, disemboweled, before being finally beheaded, his body would subsequently be chopped into four pieces and displayed at prominent locales. Even if he gets lowered down slowly in order for his body to avoid the barnacles, he would still suffer from possible drowning or a head trauma. As a method of both torture and execution, impalement consists of the aggressive penetration of victims by a pole. Flaying was both torture and execution, the method was slow and painful like most execution methods. BCE) detailing the punishment of impalement for women convicted of murdering her husband. After llas capture at York in 867, they caused the bloody eagle to be carved on the back of lla, and they cut away all of the ribs from the spine, and then they ripped out his lungs. Equally, their hands and feet might be tied together to make balancing even harder or oil poured over the chair. This would result to the body looking like a spread eagle, thus the name of the torture method. The method can be traced all the way back to 911 BC, where it was practiced by the Neo-Assyrian Empire. The early Assyrians were a warrior society. The cutting off of feet, lips and noses, blinding, gutting and the ripping out of the heart were all standard punishments in this corner of the ancient world (Hamblin). Aside from inflicting agonizing pain, one of the main purposes of this method was to inflict severe humiliation upon the victim. These people were usually lucky enough to bring their families. Grisly Assyrian Record of Torture and Death The BAS Library Upon reaching the location, he would be hung almost to the moment of death. Sometimes, the Assyrian army didnt stop at killing their enemies. Centuries later, the Roman Emperor Hadrian reputedly used such a device to torture and kill Christians. In many recorded instances, the breast would be ripped clean off, along with a substantial portion of the upper torso, resulting in near-instant death. In the first year, they would build roads, bridges, and great projects to build up their strength and the strength of the empire. The Church used torture to force others to convert to Christianity and because the Church used torture, government authorities used the same means too. The Assyrians, who ruled at the height of their power between Egypt and the Persian Gulf (745-630 BC), are known from historical records to have been cruel and unrelenting . This was a whole engine on wheels. empires.. Assyria was located in the northern part of Mesopotamia, which corresponds to most parts of modern-day Iraq as well as parts of Iran . 4. 0000001020 00000 n There, the prisoners suffered being coated in pitch, oil and other flammable substances, before being set alight. Royal edicts dating from the time of Ashurnasirpal II glorify the deed, proclaiming I have clad the pillar in the flayed skins. Impalement, as a method of torture and execution, is the penetration of a human by an object such as a stake, pole, spear, or hook, often by the complete or partial perforation of the torso.It was particularly used in response to "crimes against the state" and regarded across a number of cultures as a very harsh form of capital punishment and recorded in myth and art. Life under the threat of Assyrian was horrifyingfor the Assyrians as well as their victims. Assyrian International News Agency Books Online [4] At St Michael & All Angels' Church in Copford in Essex, England, it is claimed that human skin was found attached to an old door, though evidence seems elusive. 0000001680 00000 n Reserved, unlike many of the items appearing on this list, exclusively for women, the device was predominantly employed against those persons accused of adultery or abortion. The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) states in its latest report issued today that it has documented 72 torture methods which the Syrian regime continues to practice in its detention centers and military hospitals, calling on the US Congress to pass the Caesar Act to provide accountability after identifying 801 individuals who appeared in Neros Torches, depicting the martyrdom of a group of early Christians in Rome, by Henryk Siemiradzki (c. 1876). This method was allegedly used in the 20th century by Chilean dictator, Augusto Pinochet. Execution of Thomas Armstrong in 1684 (c. 1698). I don't think torturers can be human. The executioner would not make the victim bleed too much in order to prolong the torture before the final and fatal cut to the throat or heart would be made. It involved trapping the naked victim within two, narrow boats joined together with his head, hands, and feet protruding. Today, the term Roman Candle refers to a type of Chinese firework that became popular in Western Europe during the Italian Renaissance. There are also records of people flayed after death, generally as a means of debasing the corpse of a prominent enemy or criminal, sometimes related to religious beliefs (e.g. Assyrian society was entirely military, with men obliged to fight in the army at any time. These showed them skinning their victims alive, blinding them, and impaling them on stakes. The most recent confirmed case occurred in New Jersey in 2010, when David Wax threatened a kidnap victim with rat torture. It is unclear whether keelhauling was a common practice during the ancient world. Assyrian art shows a parade of their slaves chained to large stones, being forced to drag massive rocks like mules. Of those, at least 173 were children, 46 were women. The sailor would be tied to a rope that encircled the underside of the ship, whereupon, being thrown overboard, they would be dragged underneath the ship and along the keel to emerge on the other side. For example, Neo-Assyrian kings used it to punish rebel leaders. The earliest recorded instances of intentional live burials date from 212 BCE in China, where, during the persecution of subversives by the first Emperor Qin Shi Huang, approximately 460 Confucian scholars were buried alive. The Judas Cradle is a stool-shaped torture device with a pyramid structure on top. A standing army is one made up of professional soldiers whose only job is to fight. His writing also appears on a number of other sites, including The Onion's StarWipe and As with all human endeavors, we gradually perfected the art of torture over the centuries, refining the necessary tools to inflict the greatest possible pain upon our unfortunate victims. Overhead, the men inside the engine were protected by wooden plates covered in damp animal skins that put out the flaming arrows the defenders fired from above. This was the first country to make military service mandatory for every male citizen, no matter who he was. Life behind a citys walls when the Assyrian army drew close was terrifying. However, a 2008 Mythbusters investigation verified that bamboo shoots can penetrate several inches of ballistic gelatin (comparable in strength to the human skin) in less than three days. Starting with the dragging of the individual, fastened to a hurdle drawn by horse, from the site of imprisonment to their place of execution, along the route he would be pelted with rotten food and excrement by the public. 0000008971 00000 n [citation needed]. Executions have often served as a kind of revenge, a way of inflicting pain and mental torture on the convict. After several centuries of obscurity and even loss of independence from around 1400 B.C. and remained in use up to the 19th century. Assyrian Attitude Towards Captive Enemies: A 2700-year-old Paleo Transmitted to the funerary rites of the Mongol Khans during the 13th and 14th centuries, these great conquerors were reportedly buried along with more than a dozen slaves. Flaying: Inside The Grotesque History Of Skinning People Alive The strappado, also known as corda, is a longstanding, simple, but nonetheless effective method of torture involving tying a victims hands behind their back. A dead animal may be flayed when preparing it to be used as human food, or for its hide or fur. and there were a lot of them. HyTSwoc [5laQIBHADED2mtFOE.c}088GNg9w '0 Jb One Assyrian king recorded sparing some of the people he invaded but only after they shamelessly humbled themselves before him. It shows the decapitated heads of the enemy Ummite soldiers being carried away by vultures. Facing blame for both causing the blaze and providing inadequate response to the inferno, which caused widespread damage to 10 of Romes 14 districts, Emperor Nero blamed the fiery outbreak on religious minorities including early Christians. Nearly 3,000 years ago, a nation few remember today swept through the Middle-East. 10 Brilliant And Brutal Methods Of Ancient Psychological Warfare Gadd, Cambridge University Press (1965), Viking atrocity and Skaldic verse: The Rite of the Blood Eagle, Roberta Frank, English Historical Review (1984), Torture and Brutality in Medieval Literature: Negotiations of National Identity, Larissa Tracy, D.S. In at least one case, an Assyrian king made the women lift their skirts over their heads and march blindly after their captors. Photo credit: Wikimedia.

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